Revival House

CG - best used records (the band called the used we mean) || came gang



after completing the last episode of came gang where our heroes were ranking the afi records, they decided that they were still way too full of emo sad boii energy to just pack it up and go home. No, they had to continue with the follow up that anyone who is anyone knew had to happen eventually. : : r e l e a s e t h e m c c r a c k e n : : c a x m e #theused #podcast #ranked ———————— Please help spread the word and leave us ratings and reviews on itunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and YouTube! Also, follow the Official Revival House feed for all of our shows in one place. ———————— Music "Save The World" Written & Performed by: David Capper Twitter - Youtube - Links SUPPORT US / REVIVAL HOUSE: ► ► ► LISTEN TO THE PODCAST: ► ►