Robin Jackson

War and Jehovah's Witnesses: Are They Truly Neutral?



I've heard many Jehovah’s Witnesses say that they are the only religion that does not engage in war, and use this as indication they alone follow God’s standards. For a period while I was a Jehovah’s Witnesses I believed that. But this self-proclamation of uniqueness is far from correct.Other religions are promptly blamed for their involvement in war, with followers referred to as "children of the Devil slaying their spiritual brothers."(Awake!, December 22, 1985, p.10)Despite claiming to be the only religion to demonstrate neutrality and love, war atrocities pale in comparison to the Watchtower message of Armageddon, which claims "billions" (w93 10/1 p.19) will be slaughtered by Jehovah, never to be resurrected.________________________________________________________________If you would like to support the work I do and would like to see this channel grow please consider supporting me on Patreon. It would be highly appreciated. my book Losing The Faith: Amazon https://tin