Movies N Sh*t

Episode 61: Kelly’s Promise To Patrick and Other Movie Talk Too



Greetings, movie fans! Today’s episode kicks off with the most important Special Announcement (1:16) in Movies N Shit history.  Then, enjoy a seamless transition to Movies We’ve Seen since last time (10:40), TV Talk (1:08:35), and Entertainment News/Upcoming Trailers and Stuff (1:37:25).  Patrick returns to form in the latest installment of What Year Did That Come Out Again? (2:02:10) before the most important Lord of the Rings edition of Guess That Rotten Tomato Score (2:04:38) that’s ever been recorded.  Finally, Kelly and Patrick provide not one, not two, but THREE stellar Hidden Gem recommendations for your viewing pleasure (2:10:25).  Episode highlights include discussions about Scorsese and other filmmakers’ distinctive styles, Halloween movies, Eat the Rich movies, heartwarming soccer stories, theaters we love and movie-going experiences we’ll never forget, superhero fatigue, bad casting choices, and for the first time ever — Patrick knows about a show that Kelly doesn’t know about.  All that and much,