

“The vast majority of people do not recognize that this is what they're doing.So my work is showing them, no, that's not the world.That's the story you're telling yourself about the world.And some stories serve you, but many of your stories do not serve you.” ~ Srikumar RaoThis Habits 2 Goals episode is FREE for ALL subscribers.Creativity and Personal Mastery.Srikumar Rao’s remarkable journey spans Indian roots and a pioneering course at Columbia, “Creativity & Personal Mastery,” empowering countless individuals to tap into their creative and personal strength.Srikumar insists that we are not just our physical selves, but pure consciousness that creates the reality we experience through our mental narratives.Key Points:* Personal mastery: Begins with understanding and controlling the stories we tell ourselves and using that awareness to shape our lives.* The Matrix analogy: Dr. Rao compares our perceived reality to a self-constructed “matrix” shaped by our mental chatter and models. We can deconstruct and