Solar Energy Show

What To Do When Your Solar Installer Goes Out of Business



The Utility Empire is striking back. As a result, the rooftop solar industry is experiencing its first decline in growth ever. In California alone the end of Net Metering has resulted in an 80% drop in rooftop installations and 17,000 job losses among passionate Rebel solar installers. Utilities in other states are following California’s lead, leveraging their Death Star-caliber monopoly powers and millions in lobbying money to further reduce competition. Even though we need rooftop solar more than ever, this solar industry decline may leave both new and existing customers in the lurch. New solar and battery customers have fewer, although some will say better, choices. And people with existing systems may find that their original installer is no longer around to support their system. Jedi Geoff Greenfield from Kokosing Solar joins us on this week’s Energy Show. His suggestions will help both new and existing customers continue to benefit from money-saving solar and storage systems. He points out that there