Solar Energy Show

Seismic Changes in the Solar & Storage Industry



Seismic changes in the solar and storage industry? Who would have thought that our friends in New Jersey would relate so viscerally? Their recent 4.8 magnitude quake in early April literally extended this metaphor across the country. Metaphors aside, the solar and storage industry is changing faster now than I have ever seen: * Electric rates are soaring, along with utility profits * Solar equipment costs — panels, inverters, batteries — are declining * UL-3741 standards for rapid shutdown throw a monkey wrench into rooftop safety standards * Demand for electricity to power our EVs and heat pumps is increasing * AI is recently on the scene as the newest electricity demand wildcard * Continued high interest rates are suppressing solar and storage financing * Utilities have wised-up to rooftop solar and storage threats to their profits * Hostile utility policies and relatively high interest rates squeeze installer margins, forcing many unprofitable solar companies out of business * Some companies have cracked