Be You With Jackie Moore

Episode 44: The Body Image Episode



Have you ever just wanted to hear a “magic, quick-fix, never struggle with it again” positive body image talk? Because, S.A.M.E.! Unfortunately, I have yet to come across that. I’m actually growing more and more convinced it does not (and will not) ever exist. But equally unfortunate is that I still struggle to have a positive body image (and self image) from time to time.In this episode I talk about my own personal struggle with this, and how Jesus has helped me with walking in the full joy of exactly who He created me to be. Like I mentioned earlier - not a quick fix! But my prayer is that if you implement some of the actions I talk about, then you will have a more positive view of yourself AND a closer relationship with Jesus.Scripture UsedEphesians 4:29Proverbs 18:21John 16:33Philippians 4:8Psalm 139:14