Alex Mcmanus

IMN Central - James Emery White "Christ Among the Dragons"



Join Alex McManus as he interviews cutting edge thoughtleaders and activists. Today he interviews James Emery White, author of "Christ Among the Dragons: Finding our way through cultural challenges," published by Intervarsity Press Books, June 2010. In this book James Emery White takes us on a journey beyond the dragon territory to discover the new world Christ is mapping for us. When medieval mapmakers came to the end of the world as they knew it, they would write on the edges of their maps, "Here Be Dragons." Without a way to navigate, these areas were, at best, promising yet unexplored, and at worst, perilous. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, evangelical Christians have an equally unsettling map and a lack of unity in regard to how we will find our way through uncharted territory as we stray from core ideas and differ on key issues.