
Episode 0058: Interview with Troy Paiva, Night Photographer



LensFlare 35 is a weekly show brought to you by Dave Warner. This week, Dave interviews night photographer Troy Paiva. Wandering the deserted back roads of the American Southwest, Troy Paiva has explored the abandoned underbelly of America since the 1970s. Since 1989 he’s been taking pictures of it . . . at night, by the light of the full moon with a technique called ‘light painting’.Since 1998 his Lost America site has been online in one form or another, and Troy’s low cost / high impact lighting techniques have been adopted by amateur and professional photographers all over the world.In this episode, Troy talks about light painting and what it is, why his sole focus on it, what market there is for this work, how he chooses his locations and books that he’s published on this type of work. We created a multi-media show of his images with an explanation of each one with the full podcast interview at www.lensflare35.com.