
Episode 0050: Interview with Tom Bol, Action Sport Photographer



LensFlare 35 is a weekly show brought to you by Dave Warner. In this week’s episode, Dave interviews Adventure Sport Photographer Tom Bol. Tom produces images for a variety of editorial, commercial and advertising clients. One day you might find him photographing a fighter pilot for a trade magazine, the next day photographing ice climbers for a national ad campaign. Recently he photographed the Iditarod Sled Dog Race in Alaska for a tourism bureau.In this episode, Tom talks about his lighting, the most challenging locations he’s photographed in, his favorite locations, how he markets his images, advice to pick up editorial and commercial clients, some of the harsh environments he’s been in and much more. We created a special video of Tom’s images with his explanation of each that plays when you visit www.lensflare35.com.