Relationships With Abby Rodman

Do You Know Someone With Borderline-Ish Personality Disorder?



You know that person in your life who drives you nuts but you can’t really pinpoint why? That person who brings out the worst in you no matter how many times you promise yourself you’ll stay cool and collected? If this sounds painfully familiar, you may be dealing with someone with Borderline Personality Disorder. You can find out more about the DSM-5 criteria for this diagnosis here. But what if you read the list of symptoms for BPD and realize your “person” doesn’t hit all the markers for it? That’s why I’m suggesting there’s a real diagnosis of Borderline-ish Personality Disorder. A Borderline-ish Person (BIP) has some (or many) of the markers of the diagnosis, but just not all the DSM purports they should have.  Join me as I talk (from personal AND professional experience) about what it means to have a BIP in your life. And, no, you're not crazy.