Misandry With Marcia And Rae

Bunker Talk



PayPal us if you can: paypal.me/MisandrywithMR And thank you so much to everyone who has given, we appreciate more than you know! We are self-produced and self-funded. Every dollar really helps us a lot, and we need a new heater for our bunker in the woods. *Rate Us On ITunes* and: E-mail us: misandrywithmarciaandrae@gmail.com Twitter: @MisandryWithMR Instagram: @MisandrywithMarciaandRae Facebook: @MisandrywithMarciaandRae & join our group: The Militia in the Woods. THIS WEEK IN THE FINAL WAVE: The bunker is freeezzzzinngggg. RAE IS MOVING TO LA, but we will still be doing episodes! Do not fear, misandrists. Donald Trump is like, a stable genius, 100%. Narcissism battling dementia.  You can't compare Trump to Kanye. Kanye has a skill. Women know the difference between when men are interested in us vs. when men are demanding interest. "If Odell Beckham said that to you, you wouldn't be mad..." Right. But am I not allowed to decide who I do and don't like ... in the exact same way that you do? "Sexism ag