On The Dresser

308 - Thriving in Sex Work with Lola Davina



Vanessa catches up with Lola Davina (www.loladavina.com), author of Thriving in Sex Work: Heartfelt Advice for Staying Sane in the Sex Industry. Learn about methods for self care under FOSTA-SESTA, the power of sex worker communities, and the difference between shame and stigma. Lauren Kiley tells us about a new congressional bill called End Banking for Human Traffickers Act. She and Vanessa discuss what it might mean for people who take payments for sexy work online. Want to get in touch with the On The Dresser team? Send us your questions, comments, suggestions or signal boosts to onthedresser@gmail.com or find us on Facebook/Twitter @Onthedresser! Co-Ho(st)s/Production team: Dr. Vanessa Carlisle (twitter.com/vcarlisle) Lauren Kiley (twitter.com/xoxolaurenkiley) Danny Cruz (twitter.com/adannyboy) Sex. Queers. Politics. You'll find all of it On the Dresser!