Aria In Nyc

Everett Cafe July 7, 2010



Click on Title to PlayWednesday's concert at Everett Café, Teachers College, will probably be our last concert for the summer. Looking forward to the fall for more Teachers College gigs and beyond. Dan and I have been performing "House of the Rising Sun" for a few years now. As a trio, with Professor Daniel Wolf Savin on stand-up bass, the song had a great feel. But when we went back to being a duo, the song didn't seem to pack the same decadent punch. Now with the harmonica and a new key (F#m), the song carries full the weight of guilt, sin, and punishment. I'm looking forward to playing it again. That and murder are running themes in our set. Makes for a fun musical evening. The other new number was "In Dreams," an old number brought back into the set with more life and energy. Unrequited love. Another theme.We're usually scheduled to play for an hour. In our previous gig at Everett Café, we had to cut out a few numbers so we wouldn't go over the time limit. Yesterday, though, we played the full set. We had