Let's Talk Marketing With Denise Fay

In conversation with Amy Rowlinson | Episode 8



Amy Rowlinson has a fascination for understanding why people do what they do in their life. It stems from a curiosity that she has nurtured since a child and she now helps people to find fulfilment in life. Amy has a big mission in life – to help as many people as possible to live the legacy that they want to leave behind you. A self proclaimed, mid-life beginner, Amy shares that it’s never too late to be who you might have been. Just think about that – you are are never too late to be who you might have been. We talk about running a business with values, what fulfilment means, living every moment and living a life on purpose with purposeful activities. How exciting that is! And of course we talked about podcasting. If you have ever thought of launching a podcast, this is an episode for you. Amy’s podcast - Focus on Why – is listened to in 113 countries. Her previous podcast, which hasn’t had any new episodes since 2020 continues to grow listenership. This girl knows how to make and market a successful podcas