Unspoiled! Orphan Black

Orphan Black, S04E10- From Dancing Mice to Psychopaths



Okay, so I know that I'm supposed to be a feminist and everything, but the only thing I can say about Rachel's behavior in this episode is...bitches be crazy. And you know what? This bitch needs to die. I should have seen it coming that the only reason Rachel follows through on her agreement with Sarah in the last episode was so that she could get Evie Cho out of the way so that there was a place for her. DUH, Natasha! But nope, I didn't even really think about it. I just did what Sarah and everyone else did, which was assume that her follow-through meant she was on our side. Smdh. When will I learn? Let's face it, this season has been kind of a mess. But I will admit that despite all of that, I have been really entertained. I really hope that the off-the-wall shit just picks up in the final season, because you know what? Go big or go home. Let's just GET CRAZY, right? We had a dude with a TAIL in the first season, we have Rachel getting visions of swans in her robot eyeball, we have Evie getting taken out by