Unspoiled! Orphan Black

Orphan Black S04E04- From Instict To Rational Control



Hey there, everyone! There's always something getting in the way of editing, and this week it was my inadequate immune system. I'm sitting on a backlog of episodes that is simply not to be believed. This episode of Orphan Black had a few problems, but there were a lot of things I liked, too. First of all, I missed Fe and I'm not thrilled about him being roped into this whole thing again but I am glad to see him on the screen so I'm putting aside the character's wellbeing for the sake of my own entertainment. Also I like that despite being back in the hijinks, Fe is clearly still irritated about everything and you can see that playing through the whole scene. I love the consistency of his character.But frankly the thing I enjoyed most, in some ways, was seeing Ferdinand sweat. I am really glad he is still around, and I can't wait to see what they do to him next, but the truth is that the man deserved to die and I don't blame MK one bit for what she tried to do. I'm just a selfish viewer, and I want his weird f