Unspoiled! Orphan Black

Orphan Black, S04E01- The Collapse Of Nature



I am really excited about this fourth season because it really feels like we're getting back to the foundations of this plot, and back to all the characters that I really cared about in the first place. Now that Paul and Delphine and Dr. Coady and Rudy are all got rid of, we can just zero in on the people that are left and whatever gets added in will hopefully be supported better by this more solid, renewed foundation. Speaking of foundations, this is a hell of an episode because we get to go back to almost the start of everything, at least before the moment when Sarah first spots Beth on that train platform. Because as it turns out, there was a ton of shit going on with Beth that we still don't know about, and one of the people working with her (another clone, as it turns out) is still out there, but being way more careful than the others have, so she's still not been tracked down. I'm totally here for all of this, and I really loved getting to "meet" Beth properly. I can't wait to find out if we get to see