Cleaning House




We've made it people! Episode 10! Today we look into the VERY different lives of two clients we've shared this past year.   One is the quintessential upper east side diva. An heiress of a broadway fortune, she lives out her days attending galas and dinner parties, in french castles and of course, her local hair salon. Turner classic movies quietly play out on tiny flat screens. Filipino housekeepers fold english linens. Her life was a meticulously arranged broadway production, and we cherished our time on stage with her. Then, hop the 6 train headed downtown and meet us in the storied EAST VILLAGE. The second client we dissect this week is a rail thin former model and reality tv star who spent years in funeral homes, sculpting decomposed bodies into the funeral ready mannequins you find in open caskets. Prison letters were shared, naps were taken, gothic neck collars were designed. She was a can of worms we were more than pleased to open! REMEMBER, SEND YOUR QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, PICTURES AND STORIES TO realho